Career Exploration - Panels with Hiring Partners

Seminars, Lectures & Colloquia
Default image: seminars, lectures and colloquia - Credits: ETH Zürich / Alessandro Della Bella


Students have the opportunity to watch a panel discussion moderated by the ETH Career Center, and where 4-5 representatives of the Career Center's partnering firms discuss a career specific topic. At the end of the event, students have the opportunity to network and interact directly with the company reps during an apéro.

Learning Objectives

After participating in one of these panels students should have a better understanding of the specific career development topic discussed during the panel (e.g. things to do and not to do when writing a CV, going to an interview; or the differences between research in academia and industry, etc). Ideally, they should also have more information on hand to make a more considered decision regarding their job search strategy. Additionally, thanks to the networking opportunity created by these events, students will have a better understanding of the job market, incl. having a better understanding what a specific company does and the types of jobs that they offer, which skills and competencies are required by them. Also, they will have practiced their self-presentation and communication skills and gauge their impact on a future potential employer.


Students have the opportunity to watch a panel discussion moderated by the ETH Career Center, and where 4-5 representatives of the Career Center's partnering firms discuss a career specific topic. The panel starts off with an introduction to the panelists, then the faciliator asks relevant questions to the panelist. Topics of the panel are diverse (e.g. Do's and Don't in your Application Process, Career Misconceptions, Research in Academia or Industry?, Which job entry path is best for me?....). At the end of the panel discussion, each panelist gives one of their favorite tips to the audience. Then there is a brief Q&A (open micro). At the end of the event, students have the opportunity to network and interact directly with the company reps during an apéro.

Academic Semester

Spring Semester 2024


  • Online

Audience Size

151-300 people

Target audience

Bachelor students
Master students
Doctoral students


English & German


BSc 5th Semester, MSc and Dr.Sc.


Career Center

open website


Diverse hiring companies
Contact activity organiser

Time period

19.02.2024 - 31.05.2024