Career Skills - CV & LinkedIn Check
Counseling & Mentoring Sessions
Students can sign up to have their CV (or LinkedIn) profile checked by an ETH Career Coach during a 10' session. This activity is offered throughout the year - also outside of the academic semester.
Learning Objectives
Students learn what building blocks are important for a Swiss industry CV (LinkedIn profile). They gain understanding of the elements that are relevant for a MSc level as opposed to PhD level CV. They receive tips on how to improve their CV (or LinkedIn profile) and should be able to improve it if relevant.Content
After signing up for a check session and depositing his/her CV via our registration platform, the student receives confirmation for a meeting with one of the ETH CC coaches. On the date/time of the session, both meet and the coach gives oral feedback to the student on his/her CV in order for it to be more effective on the Swiss job market. CV for jobs in academia are not checked.Location
- ETH Zentrum
ETH Career Center - Online
Target audience
Bachelor students
Master students
Doctoral students