Conflict Management Skills

Career Center


During this 4-hour workshop, students learn about different conflict management styles and when and how to use them to better manage conflicts.

Learning Objectives

Students learn about the Thomas-Kilmann conflict management styles model and their own preferred style. They learn the pros and cons of each style and in which situations each style can be helpful. They learn that every person has a preferred style, and that everybody can develop the skills to use each of the conflict management styles.


During this 4-hour workshopk, after a short introduction to conflict and what it is, students do an exercise that serves to elicit their conflict management style. After this, they are administered the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Management Styles. They then receive theoretical inputs on the different styles. In small groups they are asked to reflect on the the pros and cons of each style and in which situations they are the most efficient. Each group presents their findings to the plenum and a discussion ensues. At the end, participants are divided into peer coaching groups and asked to complete a personal development plan.

Academic Semester

Spring Semester 2022


  • Online

Audience Size

NA people

Target audience

Bachelor students
Master students
Doctoral students


English & German


Career Center

open website
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Time period

22.02.2022 - 01.09.2022