Introduction to bulk RNA-Seq: From Quality Control to Pathway Analysis
The Swiss Institution of Bioinformatics and the Chemistry | Biology | Pharmacy Information Center offer a two-day course on September 19–20, 2024, entitled Introduction to Bulk RNA-Seq: From Quality Control to Pathway Analysis. This course is designed for life scientists or bioinformaticians familiar with "Next Generation Sequencing" who wish to acquire the necessary skills to analyze RNA-seq gene expression data.
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course, the participants are expected to: Describe the advantages and pitfalls of RNA sequencing Design their own experiment Perform the downstream analysis using command line software (QC, mapping, counting, differential expression analysis, pathway analysis, etc.) Critically assess the quality of their results at each step of the downstream analysis
This two-day course will present the theory and bioinformatics tools required to analyze RNA-seq gene expression data. The course will present the theory and bioinformatics tools required to analyze RNA-seq gene expression data, from the raw data to the biological interpretation. The following topics will be discussed: Quality control Mapping to genomes & transcriptomes Read counting, gene & exons differential expression analysis GO enrichment and pathway analysis
- ETH Hönggerberg