ETH Kompetenz Framework

Coaching Students

Seminare, Vorlesungen und Kolloquien
Standardbild: Seminare, Vorlesungen und Kolloquien - Credit: ETH Zürich / Alessandro Della Bella


The course “Coaching Students” enhances Student Teaching Assistants and other participants in their roles as coaches, acquiring basic knowledge about coaching methodology and the mindset of a coach. The course focuses on participants who are coaching teams or individuals, where nondirective support plays an important role.


In this course Student Teaching Assistants will ...

• understand the basics of coaching and the role as student coaches.

• develop the mindset of a coach and reflect on their attitude towards guiding student learning processes.

• acquire coaching skills and build knowledge and know-how about coaching methods.

• design the coaching session and feel confident to use coaching methods.

• give and get feedback from peers and self-reflect on their coaching practice.


The Coaching Students course introduces participants to the role of a student coach through a blended learning approach, combining interactive workshops and online theory.

Course content is organized into three main areas:

1. Basic Coaching Skills – Fundamentals of coaching, developing a coaching mindset, and core methodologies such as giving and receiving feedback, asking questions and active listening.

2. Team Coaching Skills – Facilitating group dynamics and fostering team collaboration by promoting psychological safety and navigating challenges.

3. 1:1 Coaching Skills – Techniques like GROW, solution-focused coaching, and effective questioning.

Students engage in reflective practice through regular experience exchanges and participate in peer visits, providing feedback on each other’s coaching. The online component offers theoretical insights that complement the live sessions.


  • ETH Zentrum
    RZ D8






14.02.2025 - 12.05.2025



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Kontakt zum Organisator der Aktivität


Kerrin Weiss