A doctorate: is that for me?
Seminare, Vorlesungen und Kolloquien
Your studies are slowly coming to an end, and you ask yourself: “Should I do a doctorate? Should I apply for industry? How do I know which suites me best? Why don’t I know?!” Don’t worry, you are not alone in this: many students struggle with these questions.That is why we have put together a series of events that serve to help you gather information, answer your questions and support you in your decision-making process.Lernziele
After this serie of events, students are better equipped to make a decision concerning their next career step: industry or academia (PhD). They learn about the difference in cultures between academia and industry. They have identified their career motivations, values and interests, as well as key stumbling blocks within their decision process. They will know which key questions to ask themselves before engaging onto one or the other career paths and know which next steps to take to overcome these.Inhalt
The series of events consists of of 4 sessions:
- Session 1: Kick-off
- Session 2: Panel discussion with doctoral students
- Session 3: Panel discussion with industry representatives
- Session 4: Decision-making workshop
- ETH Zentrum
ETH Zentrum - Online
Please note that this session does not cover the administrative questions related to undertaking a doctorate at ETH.